On August 17, 1945 after Indonesia proclaimed its independence . Setlah it , especially in the first years after independence , Indonesia's economic situation is very bad ; national economy can be said to be experiencing stagflation . The deficit in the balance of payments and government budget deficits are very large ; production activities in the agricultural and manufacturing industries were closed ; The inflation rate is very high , reaching more than 500 % at the end of the old order . All of this is caused by a variety of factors , including the important Japanese occupation , World War II , the Revolutionary War , and the very ugly Macroeconomic Management .
It can be said that Indoneisa have experienced a very democratic political system , ie in the period 1949-1956 . However , history shows that the Indonesian political system seems to lead to the destruction of democratic politics and the national economy . Because too many political parties and all want power , often at odds among political parties . Political conflicts that do not provide the opportunity to form a solid cabinet that can last up to the next general election . At the time of democratic politics , which is recorded in history that the average age of each cabinet is only about 2 years old . During the 1950 Indonesian economic structure is a relic of colonialism .
Formal / modern , such as mining , distribution , transportation , banking , and agriculture komersi , which has a major contribution of the informal sector lebis / traditional to national output or gross domestic product ( GDP ) is dominated by foreign companies is relatively more capital intensive economic activity is dominated by entrepreneurs natives are in the cities and big cities , such as Jakarta and Surabaya .
The economic situation in Indonesia , especially after the nationalization of all foreign companies in the country , including institutions , belongs to the Netherlands , worse than the state of the economy in the Dutch colonial period , coupled with an increase in the rate of inflation that is very high in 1950 . During the Dutch Indonesian economic growth rate reasonably well with very low inflation rate and stable , mainly due to the level of wages and other components of the cost of production is also low , high levels efeisensi in agriculture , and the value of the currency stable .
In addition to the political situation in the country that does not support , the poor economy of Indonesia during the rule of the old order is also caused by a lack of production factors , such as those who have high levels of entrepreneurial ability and high management , workforce education / high skill , funds ( especially for building infrastructure required by the industry ) , technology , and the ability of the government to develop plans and strategies for the development of both . According to Higgins observations , since the first cabinet formed after independence , the Indonesian government gave first priority to stabilization and economic growth , industrial development , unfikasi , and reconstruction . However , due to the limitations of the above factors and exacerbated by political turmoil nationally at the time , eventually build or even Indonesia's economic reconstruction after the war was never implemented properly .
• The TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT (the era of President BJ Habibie)
The tragedy of the distribution of zakatThe impact of fluctuations in fuel pricesImpact of the Global Economic Crisis 2008On May 22, 1998 , the third President of the Republic of Indonesia BJ He formed a new cabinet is called Cabinet . The cabinet consists of 16 ministers , and ministers drawn from elements of the military ( ABRI ) , Golkar , PPP , and PDI .In the economic field , the Habibie government tried hard to make improvements . There are some things that the Habibie government to improve the economy of Indonesia include :• banking recapitulation• Reconstruct the Indonesian economy .• Liquidate some troubled banks .• lift the rupiah against the U.S. dollar to below 10,000 , -• Implement economic reforms in otherwise requires by the IMF .President Habibie as the opening of the nation 's history in the era of reform efforts in the implementation of the Indonesian political situation and transparent election plans direct , general , free , confidential , honest and fair . General elections to be held under President Habibie had democratic elections . Habibie also freed some political prisoners detained during the reign Soeharto.Kemudian , President Habibie also lifted a ban on the formation of independent trade unions . The things that were taken during the Habibie government :economyTo overcome the financial crisis and economic recovery of Indonesia, BJ Habibie perform the following steps :a) Restructuring and recapitulation banks through the establishment of the State unit of the IBRA and Asset Managementb ) Liquidate some troubled banksc ) Increase the value of the rupiah against the dollar to below Rp . 10,000.00d ) Establish a monitoring agency and foreign debt solutione ) Implement economic reforms required by the IMFf ) Approve the Act. 5 Year 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competitiong ) To approve the Act. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection On the EconomyIn the economic recovery , the government succeeded in significantly reducing the rate of inflation and monetary fluctuations than at the beginning of the crisis . However , economic policy measures have not been fully considered mjempunyai encouraging as concrete and systematic policies like the real sector has not recovered . On the other hand , many cases of misuse of state funds and foreign aid makes Indonesia the economic recovery is losing momentum . On August 21, 1998 the government froze the operations of the National Commercial Bank , Bank of Modern and National Commerce Bank Indonesia . Then at the beginning of next year to liquidate the government back 38 private banks , 7 banks taken over by the government and 9 bank recapitalization program .For the problem of the distribution of the main staple food and rice oil , is considered a failed policy . This is evident from the increase in the price of rice remained even after the operation of the market , also found rice smuggling and hoarding of rice abroad .In the middle of the Habibie government's efforts to meet the demands for reform , the Habibie government was accused of acting contrary to the agreement of the Assembly in the East Timor issue .On October 14, 1999 President Habibie's accountability speech before the General Assembly but there is resistance to the president for government accountability Habibie regarded as an integral part of the New Order regime . Then on October 20, 1999 , Assembly Speaker Amien Rais closing plenary meeting , said , " thus the responsibility of President BJ Habibie rejected " . On the same day President Habibie said that he withdrew from the presidential nomination .• GOVERNANCE REFORM ( the era of President Abdurrahman Wahid )
• The GOVERNMENT TRANSITION (the era of President Megawati Sukarnoputri)
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